Frequently asked questions
What is RideProspects?

RideProspects is for the Salvage and Clean title vehicle buyer who wants to know the true value of a vehicle before they buy it. We provide historical price, condition, and location information for Salvage and Clean title vehicles - fees and taxes included first.

How does RideProspects work?

RideProspects is a web application that provides historical price, condition, and location information for Salvage and Clean title vehicles - fees and taxes included first.

Where does the information come from?

Direct from CoPart and in some rare cases, IAA. You can get the same information from the same sources. We provide a helpful web interface and copy-on-change data structures so you can track vehicles and prices over time and lot numbers.

How does RideProspects pricing work?

The free version of RideProspects is available right now for you to try out. Check out the full web interface, no credit card required.

What is the difference between Salvage and Clean title vehicles?

Salvage title vehicles have been in an accident or have been damaged in some way. Clean title vehicles have not been in an accident or have not been damaged in some way. There is a great deal of gray area in the market across state regulations, insurance classifications, etc. If you plan on buying a salvage title vehicle, you should have some mid-to-expert knowledge of the automotive repair industry.

What is the difference between CoPart and IAA?

CoPart and IAA are two of the largest salvage and clean title vehicle auction houses in the United States. They have a large number of locations and generally turn over thousands (yes, thousands) of their inventory every day. There are various other players like ADESA and Manheim that are also large players in the market. Only CoPart and IAA sell directly to consumers.

Where do most of these vehicles end up?

Approximately 85% of these vehicles end up re-marketed (used car dealers), dismantled for parts, or exported. That leaves 15% of the market going to individuals and and scrap yards.

Resources & Learning
Guidebook Resources

Our comprehensive guidebook covers everything you need to know about buying salvage vehicles:

  • Understanding vehicle titles and conditions
  • How to inspect vehicles remotely
  • Bidding strategies and auction tips
  • Transportation and repair considerations
Read the Guidebook
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  • Market trends and price analysis
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